What Happens When an Air Conditioner Filter Gets Wet?

A wet air conditioner filter can cause a variety of issues from reduced energy efficiency to poor air quality and even health problems. Learn what causes this issue and how you can fix it.

What Happens When an Air Conditioner Filter Gets Wet?

A wet air filter in your central air conditioning unit is a common problem most homeowners face. It can cause a variety of issues, from reduced energy efficiency to poor air quality and even health problems. The root cause of a wet filter is usually a clogged condensate tray or drain line, and the only way to fix it is to replace the filter and repair the underlying issue. When the air conditioner draws warm air from your home to cool it, moisture from the air condenses on the evaporator coils and then drips into the drain pan.

If something prevents water from draining, it overflows and the air filter can absorb that moisture. This can lead to a variety of problems, such as reduced airflow, higher energy bills, a burnt engine, a frozen evaporator, mold problems, and poor air quality. Most homeowners know that a clean air conditioner filter is an integral part of their HVAC systems. It is designed to trap dust and allergens as the air circulates around the house.

A wet filter will struggle to trap these harmful particles and can even hinder proper airflow, causing your unit to work harder and reduce its lifespan. Before you worry that something is terribly wrong with your air conditioner, you must first make sure that the filter is actually installed correctly. If it is wet or feels damp and soggy when you are going to change it, there is a problem somewhere in the system itself. If none of these steps help you resolve the problem, you can contact AND Services for all of your HVAC repair needs.

In addition to reducing the efficiency of the air conditioner, a humid air filter can also become a breeding ground for microorganisms such as mold and bacteria. And when the ice starts to melt, it can overflow the drain pan and leak, causing the air filter to get wet. Air filters need to be replaced at least every three months, and if not replaced, significant air conditioning problems and poor air quality can result. Running the cooling system with a wet air filter reduces energy efficiency and negatively affects indoor air quality. In addition, a damp filter in the heating and air conditioning unit is likely to develop mold, which can cause a variety of health problems. A wet air filter indicates a problem within the cooling system that needs to be addressed as soon as possible before it worsens or causes other system failures.

The only way to fix this is to replace the filter and repair the underlying cause of the wet air filter.

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